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Double Run Eight
Epiphany Center for the Arts (Chicago)
September 9 - October 22, 2022

Double Run Eight takes its name from a moving image camera from the Slemmons collection: a Bell & Howell Filmo series double 8mm camera. As a double 8 format, the camera runs 16mm size film through one way, exposing one half of the frame on the first pass. The roll is then flipped and run back through again, this time exposing the other half of the frame. The final processed film is split down the center and ends up as an 8mm roll.

The exhibition features a projection that reinterprets the mechanisms of the double 8 camera by keeping the film at 16mm width. The film plays with visual collisions and inversions of the resulting four frames, rearranging the image plane with forwards, backwards, and radial motion as the artist’s body activates, holds, and navigates propositions of the analogue image. The projected original negative will degrade over time, accumulating scratches and dust throughout the duration of the show.

The accompanying gelatin prints are created using Kodak 16mm enlarger camera from the collection designed to rephotograph 16mm frames onto 120 still photography film. The translation from negative to positive becomes an inherent marker of the analogue process, and the visual and temporal shift of the photographic frame a reminder of the fundamental connection between the still and the moving image.

The film is shown as a 16mm loop projection, as part of "Double Run Eight," a solo exhibition for the Chicago Cluster Project at Epiphany Center for the Arts.

Double Run Eight black and white double-8 film projected as 16mm loop installation
gelatin silver prints made from 16mm enlargement negatives

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